Hello Mr Businessman
how are you today?
I was wondering why is it
when I shut my eyes and picture you
all I can describe
is a little tiny blurb so far out of reach
that my mind begins to compare you
to the stars in the sky
except their illumination gives me navigation
and the only thing your contamination does is leave me with my imagination
I can't even pretend to have the slightest idea of who you are
since the concept of talking to you seems so far
so instead I rely on our mayor to be our communicator
but I know you're bribing him to become one of our traitors
I'm sorry Mr businessman
i don't mean to point fingers
it's just not having clean water
makes existence itself so much harder
you are like the chemicals you put into our ground
unknown to the world and harming everything around
in hopes your responsibility for the decline of this fixture
becomes diluted and lost inside of the mixture
i don't understand why I have to plead
and to beg you to step aside from your greed
to realize you that the toxics you're putting in my water
matters more than the money you're going to leave for your granddaughter
because if my generation can't even survive
why do you assume that she will be alive